Step 1: Scan the disk in OS
If Rhel then
# echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsci_host/host{0,1,2} scan [ For all the hosts]
If HP-UX then
# ioscan -fnC disk
# insf -e
If Solaris then
# devfsadm -Cv
Step 2 : Disk should be visible in vxdisk list command output.
If not run the below commands
( vxdctl disable , vxdctk enable , vxconfigd -k )
Step 3: Run the below command to initialize the device
# vxdisksetup -i device_name (ie sdd , c0t0d0)
Step 4: Add the disks to existing DG
# vxdg -g DG1 adddisk DG101=sdd DG102=sde
Step 5: Change the ncol if the volume in stripped ( Not required in vol is concatenated )
# vxassist -g DG1 relayout Vol1 layout=striped ncol=4
Step 6: Now its time to resize the volume
# vxresize -g DG1 -t vxfs Vol1 +1g
Step 7: Check with below commands
# /opt/VRTSsfmh/bin/vxlist vol